Hunter/Fisher Notecard Pack

Hunter/Fisher Notecard Pack

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Folded Notecards featuring paintings by James Corwin.

Pack of 5 cards, blank inside, 4x5.5.
Each card comes with a white envelope.

1) Twig Snap - A buck stands in tall brown grasses, a pheasant flying overhead.
2) Emperor of the Woods - A bull elk raises his head towards coming snowfall.
3) The First Call - In the misty morning, a bull elk calls out over a frost-tipped meadow.
4) Cutthroat - A cutthroat trout shows off its rainbow colors swimming in a shimmering stream.
5) Out of the Woods II - A bull moose ambles through a dusk-lit aspen grove.

Perfect for sending notes and letters and showing you care with beautiful western inspired artwork!
